
Image for Bruynzeel Keukens, ©Ryan Edy

In every organisation, plans and ideas arise to put certain concepts, products or services in the market or the public domain. By deploying creativity and concept thinking at an early stage, plans quickly become (more) concrete and can be rolled out more efficiently. 

Even external partners, such as (online) agencies, can be brought on-board faster when a basic visual concept already exists.An entire range of creative possibilities is available to realise this. The most distinctive services where we can work on together are highlighted hereunder.

marketing strategy

The way in which all means, actions and campaigns are used for the various target groups. 

A solid marketing strategy is accomplished by means of a clear marketing calendar, a good target group matrix, and with a critical eye for budget and results.

brand strategy

How does your brand come into the picture throughout the various channels and within the different target groups? This requires a straightforward appearance, clear message, strong design language and smart adjustments per channel. A strong brand strategy also immediately increases
your brand value and goodwill. 

creative concept

Looking to start all over again or adjust some parts of your brand (appearance)? Then a creative concept is the right path. 

This is the ideal process to refresh or to start a new marketing campaign, website or corporate identity. 

A visual concept can also help to clarify the next steps, when ideas and plans go from theoretical to practical.

house style development

A new or modified corporate identity must be designed with care. All known corporate identity tools are included in the process and usability online, offline and within the office packages should be thoroughly examined. Font and colour use are selected and everything is documented in a user-friendly way in a corporate identity/house style handbook. 

visual identity development

To present your brand clearly and strongly, you need more than a smart name, a nice logo or a flashy presentation. Appropriate graphic elements, images and illustrations contribute to your brand’s visibility and distinctiveness. 

A special kind of visual identity is Workplace Branding. A strong visual way to translate your brand to the work floor. 


Making a video, animation or a commercial is not as easy as it may seem. First we come up with a plot, work out a script and create a storyboard. Then we move on to the realisation phase and the final montage of the images/footage. In short, a complicated and expensive process that you would like to do correctly in one go.

campaign development

Your corporate identity is up to par, your brand is tidy, but your number of leads and orders is lagging behind. 

Time for a smart marketing campaign. Online, social, offline, through the line, an event, a promo team, or an effective
joint promotion. Together we look for the best approach to achieve more attention and turnover for your products or services.


By telling your authentic story, you connect (potential) customers to your company on an emotional level. But telling your story alone is not enough. Your story has to be conveyed in different ways to various target groups over time. Sometimes subtle, sometimes crystal clear and, most of all, often, very often. Together we look at the best way to get the story of your brand absorbed by you target group. 

brand management

As an organisation, you may already have gathered a rich palette of agencies and freelancers around you. All of them
outstanding, but still, something is missing. 

Often, your missing element is the clear and central management of the brand. Safeguarding the right brand sense and the associated messages are vital to effective branding and marketing. 

portret Gerard Buitendijk

Gerard Buitendijk – 1971

I have learned the trade steadily. Started as an intern
at Publicis and gained the necessary experience through small and large agencies. Thereafter, as a freelance
entrepreneur. Nowadays, after a long period as creative director of my own agency, I take it one step further as a creative consultant.

Work, Meet & Greet

De Gelderlandfabriek
Stationsweg 7


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Meent 9
4141 AA Leerdam

+31 6 54 290 933

“Creativity is intelligence having fun”

Albert Einstein



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